Obec Nová Bošáca

Contacts and Office Hours

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Departments and Contacts

Municipality of Nová Bošáca

Mayor of the Municipality

Ing. Ján Žucha, MBA
tel. +421 902 405 053

Deputy Mayor

Ing. Peter Uherčík

Registry Office, Cashier, Mailroom:

Danka Guláňová
tel. +421 940 988 158


Mgr. Katarína Kukučová
tel. +421 940 988 156

Taxes and Fees:

Mgr. Zuzana Porubčanová
tel. +421 940 988 156

Office Hours

Monday: 7:00-12:00 12:30-15:30
Tuesday: 7:00-12:00 12:30-15:30
Wednesday: 7:00-12:00 12:30-16:00
Thursday: non-public day
Friday: 7:00-12:00

The Municipality of Nová Bošáca is a public procurer according to § 6 para. 1 letter b) of the Act No. 25/2006 Coll. on Public Procurement and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Procurement Act").

In accordance with § 22 of the Public Procurement Act, the Municipality of Nová Bošáca establishes its "Public Procurement Profile" on the website, where it will publish information related to public procurement, i.e., preliminary announcements, calls for tenders, information on planned purchases, information on concluded contracts, reasons for cancellation of the used procurement procedure, and other information.

Identification Data of the Public Procurer:

Public Procurer: Municipality of Nová Bošáca
Address: 913 08 Nová Bošáca No. 79
Identification Number (IČO): 00311839
Tax Identification Number (DIČ): 2021079819
Banking Details: Prima banka Slovensko a. s., Nové Mesto nad Váhom
Account Number: 5844839001/5600
IBAN: SK74 5600 0000 0058 4483 9001
Statutory Representative: Ing. Ján Žucha, MBA, Mayor of the Municipality
Telephone Number: 0902 405053, 0940 988 158
e-mail: jan.zucha@nova-bosaca.dcom.sk